
Hős-Nagy Péter H.

We are a couple looking to work together, and we believe our combined experience and skills make us ideal candidates for professional cleaner job.
To provide you with more details:
• Experience: I have 2 years of experience in cleaning, while my partner, Marietta, has 6 years of experience. We both worked in Austria as cleaners in various settings, such as private households, hotels, offices, and supermarkets.
• Marietta’s Specialization: Marietta has also worked as a chambermaid and in a professional cleaning company, where her main responsibilities included cleaning private homes.
• Flexibility and Availability: We are both highly flexible and willing to work full-time. Overtime is not an issue for us, and we can easily adjust to different schedules. Ideally, we would prefer to work at the same location and during the same shifts. Working together allows us to be more efficient, as we have developed a smooth workflow as a team. This not only increases our productivity but can also be beneficial for you as an employee, since we can accomplish tasks faster and more effectively as a pair. However, we are open to discussing different arrangements if necessary.
• Transportation: We own a car and I have a valid category B driving license, so commuting or handling jobs that require mobility would not be a problem.
• Work Ethic: We are reliable, detail-oriented, and dedicated to doing our job to the best of our ability. Customer satisfaction is a priority for us, and we always aim to provide the highest standard of service.

• Health & Lifestyle: We both lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, and take pride in maintaining a high level of physical fitness, ensuring we are always ready for work.
Given our experience and dedication, we are confident that we can meet and exceed your expectations. Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could provide further information regarding the specific location, the tasks involved, and the working hours for the position.
Thank you for considering our application. We are looking forward to the possibility of working with you and contributing to your team’s success.

Yours faithfully,
Péter Hős-Nagy & Marietta Bátori





Español, Inglés


  • Tengo disponibilidad para cambiar de residencia
  • Tengo disponibilidad para viajar

Semana laboral

Mañanas, Tardes, Noches

Fines de semana

Noches, Tardes, Mañanas

Ofrece sus servicios en

Valencia (Valencia), Valencia (Comunidad Valenciana)

Última conexión:
25 de septiembre de 2024

Actividades que desempeña Hős-Nagy Péter H.

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