
malika B.

Jun 1996 : Degree in Modern Literature
Year 2001 : Obtaining a Training Certificate from
Office Computing at the Ibnou faculty
Zohr – Agadir.
Year 2002 : Degree in Arabic Literature and
Human Sciences at the Ibnou Zohr–Agadir faculty.
Year 2002 : Office Informatics Training at
l’institut INFOTEC – Agadir.
Year 2005 : Certificate of GERMAN language for 7 months
by the association ATVEC Agadir.
Year 2006 : Certificate of GERMAN language for 4 months
by the NEW CENTER continuing education centre.




FORMATIONS : Jun 1996 : Degree in Modern Literature Year 2001 : Obtaining a Training Certificate from Office Computing at the Ibnou faculty Zohr – Agadir. Year 2002 : Degree in Arabic Literature and Human Sciences at the Ibnou Zohr–Agadir faculty. Year 2002 : Office Informatics Training at l’institut INFOTEC – Agadir. Year 2005 : Certificate of GERMAN language for 7 months by the association ATVEC Agadir. Year 2006 : Certificate of GERMAN language for 4 months by the NEW CENTER continuing education centre.


Español, Francés, Inglés, Alemán

Experiencia y habilidades

27 November 2022 : Certificate of honor by the Association
psychodrama for psychological support Agadir.
23 and 24 2016 : Attestation by the association ATVEC – Agadir.
12/05/ 2005au 04/10/2017: Employment General Secretary in
architect and expert firm
Sworn Agadir.
15/09/ 2003au 09/09/2004:internship payable service Education
and social guide in Association
05/09/2003 to 09/09/2004 : Director and Manager of
local of the ATVEC Association –
16/06/2003 to 15/08/2003 : Internship payable as Secretary
versatile within Institution
Cement of Morocco – Agadir.
17/10/2002 to 02/06/2003 : Work as a Technician in
Management informatics within
Libriarie AL OULOUM Agadir
02/09/2002 on 12/10/2002 : Internship payable at Sté institut


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Semana laboral

Mañanas, Tardes, Noches, 24 horas / Urgencias

Fines de semana

Mañanas, Tardes, Noches, 24 horas / Urgencias

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Valencia (Comunidad Valenciana), Marchena (Sevilla)

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