
Roxsane A.

Hola, My name is Roxsane, I am 31 years old and a filipina. I speak basic spanish in writing and speaking but in english i speak fluently writing and speaking. I worked in Norway before for 2 years taking care of a twins since they are 3 years old with their brothers aged 6, 10, and 12. I do the household chores while taking care of them. I worked also in Denmark for 2 years. Taking care of 2 kids aged 11 and 15 and also doing the household chores. Here in spain i was a nanny of a baby since her birth and her 2 brothers age 6 and 8. I am taking care of the baby all day from 8 in the morning. I have good references and you can talk to my previous employer if you want. If you are interested on me I am willing to meet you up for a ln interview. Thanks!





Español, Inglés


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