Violeta F.

Anuncio publicado por
Violeta F.

Cheap and good Spanish classes by a qualified native speaker.

Do you need to learn Spanish? My name is Violeta and I am a Spanish native speaker who can teach you at your own home. I could go to San Fernando, Chiclana, Cádiz, Puerto Real and Puerto de Santa María. I also have a high level of English (b2, First Certificate of Cambridge University and job experience in Ireland)so that we make sure that we can understand each other. I am a young Psychologist and have a lot of job experience in personal tutoring. I can teach not only adults but also children.
Feel free to consult me through
Let´s learn one of the most beautiful languages in the whole world! I will help you to become fluent and almost a native speaker!
Última conexión:
20 de marzo de 2014

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